Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

IASS Policy Brief 2/2013 published – Key Features for a Successful Energiewende


The coalition agreement between the CDU/CSU and SPD targets an amendment of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) by Easter 2014. The agreement states that the German energy transition (Energiewende) “is one of the greatest challenges in maintaining the quality of life of current and future generations and for the economic success of our country.” In its recently published IASS Policy Brief entitled “Eckpunkte zur Gestaltung der Energiewende” (Key Considerations for a Successful Energiewende) the Transdisciplinary Panel on Energy Change (TPEC) has formulated recommendations for a successful reform.

The Policy Brief includes proposals for more fairly distributing costs resulting from older renewable plants and ensuring that the current cost of renewable power production, which has now reached the level of new thermal power plants, is more reasonably reflected in power prices. In drafting its recommendations, TPEC took care to consider the unique qualities of the various technologies for producing renewable power as well as the power generation structure resulting from past and current policy.

The Policy Brief as ePaper (German only)

The Policy Brief as PDF (German only)

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